Tag selezionato: BEUC

TTIP: a slow path towards consumer benefit?

  Since summer 2013, the European Union (EU) has been negotiating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) agreement with the United States (US). Normally, the idea of this kind of agreement is to improve the flows of goods, services and investment between trade partners by reducing custom duties....
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EU adopts new rules to better protect consumers’ privacy

  On 14 April 2016 the European Parliament formally adopted the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), marking the end of a long and complex legislative process that has lasted over 4 years.  The new Regulation is good news for consumers’ privacy. It shall increase transparency around the...
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Studi clinici: i risultati sono patrimonio di tutti

  Nell’estate 2007, Peter Gøtzsche, attivo esponente della Cochrane Collaboration – un gruppo internazionale di ricercatori che collaborano al fine di valutare criticamente e diffondere informazioni sull’efficacia degli interventi sanitari – richiese all’Agenzia Europea dei farmaci (EMA) informazioni dettagliate su 15 studi clinici sulla base dei quali l’agenzia aveva...
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